Golden Oasis Spring Foundation is a Nigeria-registered non-profit social impact organisation, dedicated to the fight against poverty and providing economic empowerment for the indigent, with operational activities that centre around 11 adopted goals (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 16) of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Our key thematic areas include Education, Leadership, Health, Environment, Entrepreneurship, Advocacy, and Food security. The SDGs serve as the platform through which the organisation carries out its work. An enterprise platform for stakeholders and key players committed to the full implementation and sustainability of the Sustainable Development Goals for the development of Africa  

Golden Oasis Spring Foundation is not just reaching out, we are touching lives and making impact in society. We present a unique platform not only for the achievement of the SDGs but for the sustainability of these goals, as we focus on connecting great ideas with opportunities, through seeding initiatives, replicating successes, establishing multinational partnerships and cooperation for the development of Africa.

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