Project Sew To Earn is an initiative to empower young unemployed women, both graduates and non-graduates, with sewing skills to enable them to become self-employed and self-dependent, thus supporting their families. They will be enrolled in a 6-month intensive practical training class which will cover both male and female sewing needs and upon the completion of the training, each one of them will be provided with a sewing machine to enable them to put to use their acquired skills and start earning. This is in line with our commitment to the Sustainable Development Goal 1 No Poverty.   When a woman is empowered, a generation is empowered. 

With your kind donation of $400, a young woman will acquire sewing skills and be set up in business.


Golden Oasis Spring Foundation

GTBank A/C Nos

0463304106 (Naira)

0463304151 (Dollar)

0463304175 (Euro)

0463304168 (Pounds)

Branch Sort Code 058152133

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