Golden Oasis Spring Foundation through Oasis Leadership Academy is intentionally raising a generation of a new breed of leaders, who will be responsible, accountable, ethical, focused, visionary, purposeful, and intentional in their style of leadership. Through this training, we envision leaders who will put people first before profit, the common good before personal interest, and national interest before personal ambition. Leaders who will domesticate developmental goals and plans.

At Golden Oasis Spring Foundation, we respond to the challenges of leadership in Africa through two major initiatives. 1. Oasis Leadership Academy and 2. Leadership Roundtable.

Leadership Roundtable is a live-streamed anchor-led online programme where facilitators are engaged in a robust discussion on leadership issues.  

The deficiency of purpose-driven leadership is the bane of African societies, as leadership positions abound around us, yet quality leadership is eluding us. Many in leadership positions today seem not to be prepared for leadership as they seem to either run out of ideas or lack the will to execute.

 Oasis Leadership Academy offers leadership training that cuts across the three sectors of society; public sector, private sector, and social sector.

We want to stimulate the passion for quality leadership in young Africans, encourage active participation in the leadership process of African nations, and also offer a platform where young and passionate Africans can be mentored and guided in their leadership journey as they take active roles in leadership in the different sectors of the society. Our focus is not only on the public (government) sector but also the private (business) sector and the nonprofit (social) sector as well.

Mirage is a work of fiction that captures the unique and peculiar challenges of the African continent as it relates to corruption, nepotism, tribal and ethnic sentiment, political sit-tight syndrome, greed, and other vices working against the development and prosperity of Africa and its people. There seems to be no end to the sugar-coated developmental promises from politicians, as every election campaign is full of the same promises every election year. One cannot help but keep wondering, if societal development in a democracy is rocket science, as the poverty and backwardness of the African continent seem to be defying every proven solution that has worked in other continents. The fact that financial aid, pumped into Africa from development partners over the years has failed to achieve any meaningful result in the poverty alleviation drive has left many wondering what is wrong with Africa.

Mirage is the story of Kabuki, a land rich in natural resources, blessed with fertile land with lots of financial and material wealth. Going by every standard of measurement, Kabuki can be classified as a rich country, but in the typical fashion of most African countries, the land is riddled with bribery and corruption, nepotism, greed, oligarchy, tribal sentiment, political sit-tight syndrome, and others. Though Kabuki is rich, yet, her people wallow in extreme poverty. The book is one of the resources at Oasis Leadership Academy.
Follow the link to buy on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08HJSNP97

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