The level of poverty in Africa has a direct impact on the availability of basic health care as many of the poor population cannot afford to pay for these services. The worst hit by this is the poor population living in rural areas. Mr Luis Gomes Sambo,
African Regional Director of the World Health Organisation once said, “A weak national health system can be viewed as an important contributor to poverty and inequity in the African Region. Persons who are in poor health less frequently move up and more frequently move down the social ladder than healthy persons. The role of the health system becomes particularly relevant through the issue of access to preventive and curative health services.” He further stated, “The health system can directly address inequities not only by improving equitable access to care but also in the promotion of intersectoral action to improve health status.”

In our bid to get basic health care to the poor community, we organise medical outreach in partnership with supporting organisations and agencies where mobile clinics are set up and basic medical services are offered. Alongside the medical services are also charity services where shoes and clothes are also given out.

With a budget of $2,000, a medical outreach will be taken to a poor community.

Golden Oasis Spring Foundation

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